November and NaNoWriMo are over. I didn't make it 50,000 words, but then again, I didn't think I would. Not being pessimistic there, just didn't really have 50,000 more words that I needed to write on this draft of my novel.
I did get to about 35,000 and that's more than I thought I needed. (Maybe I could have gotten that 50,000 after all) What I wanted out of the month was to challenge myself to write more that I usually did. To see if I could "find time" in the day to get more done than I was used to doing.
And I did. I knew that in order to come close to 50,000 words I was going to have to write pretty much every day and not just on my Thursday writing day. So I began writing in the morning while the kids were still asleep and then again in the early afternoon when the baby took a nap.
I got 35,000 words out of that. My goal now is to keep with it. So far so good. I'm about 30 pages from the end of this draft (going back and incorporating a new thread that changes everything) and that's my December goal--to be done with this revision so that I can begin revising again. (Ain't writing great!)
I'll keep you posted.