Wednesday, December 30, 2009


My life has gotten blissfully busy. OK, maybe blissful is not really the right word, but I liked the alliteration. The holidays, old friends, new friends, and the welcome chaos of hearts beating has turned my life into a swirl of things to do and places to be, Christmas light to hang (and now soon to remove) drinks to meet for, friends to sit with, and family to visit.

So what have I to show for all this? Well that depends on where you place your value. I could beat myself up for not getting too much writing done in this past month, but on the other hand, I've been out in the world, soaking up material and experiences, strengthening friendships, and deepening my understanding of love, life, and family.

As the new year creeps up, I feel the need to make resolutions. At first I thought I should unbusy my life a bit. Maybe meet less often for a drink, or sit less long in a conversation, or go to bed earlier instead of seeing the kids to dreamland and staying up late with my husband.

But instead, I think I'll make my coffee a little stronger in the morning and maybe I'll miss an episode or more of my favorite tv show. Maybe I won't get all the laundry done in a timely manner and I'm sure my house will not be clean.

But I'll have stories to tell and some of them might even make it to the page.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Donna Volkenannt said...

Hi Amy,
I love your enthusiasm and positive attitude!
Wishing you, RJ, and girls a joyful new year filled with many blessings--and much bliss.